Thursday, April 22, 2010

Do What You Can

I just want to say, so you may understand where I am going with this (or is the phrase "coming from" better?); whenever I go to church (I may have said this before), I go with a heart, expecting God to show me what it is he wants me to hear/learn.  Many times it is something not even being preached about but there is that "one thing" that shows me so much of what I need to know/learn.

We had a wonderful message given by Bro. Ryan Gray Wednesday night.  To put it all in a nutshell, if God put something on our hearts to do for Him then what's keeping us from doing it.  It will be put on our church's website soon so you may listen to it yourself.  He took us to Nehemiah and compared the building of the walls--what the people had to put up with--to what may be stopping us today to not do what it is God places on our hearts to do.  (The book of Nehemiah was an encouragement to me during another discouraging "phase" in my life a few years ago).  Bro. Gray was basically preaching on that if God puts something on our hearts that he wants us to do for him--gives us a desire to do something--then we shouldn't hesitate to do it.  One of the things that he pointed out that can cause a person to not do it is because of distractions--we may have let these distractions interfere, take focus, instead of staying focus on doing what it is that God had placed on our heart to do.  God may have blessed us with many things but it's what or how we use these things, whether or not they become distractions--take away from doing what God wants us to do.

As long as I can remember, since I was a teenager, I had always been involved with church--wherever there was a need, I was there doing it.  If you had read my testimony, God still used me even though I wasn't saved, as well as taught me so much.  He finally had to get my attention through my health--where I HAD to stop.  To keep from going on and on and on and..... As I think I said in my testimony, I had wanted to get involved with church ministries again but it was not to be.  At first I came to see it was because I wasn't saved like I thought I was.  Then it seemed like whenever I wanted to do something, the "door was shut"--it just didn't work out.  Mostly it was because I was trying to do too much and then I'd have a relaspe; then I'd cry out, "Why can't I!  Why can't I do the same things as before?"  It got me thinking, why, why, why??? My desire is to serve God.  Why wasn't things working?  After hearing the message the thought came "Do what you can.  Do your best at what you are responsible for NOW, without being distracted with worrying about what you want to do elsewhere; then just sit and be still.  Do what you can."

When I came home I thought, yeah, the things that I do do are just as important as what others do elsewhere.  I need to be content at where I am and do what God had already given me to do.  As I said before, if we are so "in tuned" with God, the desires we have on our heart are his desires.   When He feels I am ready to do something else, he will put that desire on my heart; and if I am "in tuned" with God, I will know that it is from him.  This may not be what the message was exactly about but it was what God had showed me.

It made me wonder, when did I stop being content?  I mean, I'm content at where I am as far as my home and needs being met but I wasn't being content at what I was already suppose to be doing.  I am to do what it is I need to do now, what I have already been given to do, and that will help me to be a Woman After God's Own Heart. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Where did the time go?

It seems with spring comes the busyness--cleaning after the  long winter.  Although when winter nears it gets busy too--getting things ready for the long winter.  At least we have the summer to enjoy and to rest?  The only problem is, our summers are so short that we're all busy trying to enjoy every minute of it.

My baby (youngest) turned 18 last week!  I still can't believe how fast the time goes by and that Amy is actually the last to "officially" be called an adult.  She'll always be my baby though (she cringes every time I say that).  It's hard to believe, at times, that all my children are considered grown up now.  I am so proud of how they have/are all "turning out".  Only by the grace of God.

Just when the days seem to take so long to pass; I then realize that time has flown on by.  Makes me realize that each day I wake up is a gift from God and makes me think, what am I going to do for him to thank him for giving me another day.

It's been awhile since I've been back on my blog.  It's been busy (more so for me as I have to take things easy).  I also had a relaspe (seizure) two weeks ago.  We still can't figure out what brought that on as I've been taking it one day at a time.  I did have to finish the kids taxes so maybe the pressure of that???  Who knows.  I just praise God I was home and I felt this one coming on (the few I had, I hadn't always) and was able to go lay down before it actually "hit".  It was one of those that I was "aware what was going on" during it and the girls were home too.  One of them called Randy and he came home.  What a sweetheart he is (I hadn't planned on him coming home as it wasn't a "bad one"--the girls just wanted him to be aware of it).

Sorry for not getting back to blogging of the Book Review/Bible Study.  I hope to be able to blog something by the end of the week or beginning of next.  Please be patient with me.

Friday, April 2, 2010

A Time of Remembrance

I hope all has taken this whole week to remember (as I have) what Jesus had done for us on the cross:  shed his blood for our sins & died; buried for 3 days & nights; then rose from the dead and is now living again!
Around most of the world today, many are abserving (Good Friday) the death and resurrection of Christ. I know that no one knows the exact time of year that this happened, but I hope everyone realize that it is impossible for Christ to have died on a Friday and rose again on a Sunday because it says in the Bible that He was buried for 3 days and 3 nights.  I can never understand why it's called Good Friday (the day to remember when he died) and that on Sunday remember that he rose again.  I think it's wrong to observe Good Friday because it confuses many as they come to believe that this is the "time frame" that it all happened.

You know, I think it's great that many are taking this time to remember Christ's death and resurection but I think it's a shame that many does not take the time to remember what he did EVERY DAY. I know, that I include myself in this "group". I mean, I do live for God and try to do what he would have/want me to do each day; but to actually take the time to know/remember what he did for my sins and everyone else's sins too..... I think if we all did remember this every day that maybe there would be more of us that would be concerned for others; to go out and witness more so others would come to realize the love of God and the need for Christ as their Saviour.

If you haven't done so already this week; to those that have accepted Christ as their Saviour as I have:

Take the time to remember how God loved us so much and gave his ONLY begotten Son to die on the Christ for our sins. And to realize how no one deserves this free gift but God loved all of us so much and did not/does not want any to perish in hell but to live eternally with him in heaven. Because He cannot face sin he gave a way for us to have our sins forgiven that we may have life eternal in heaven with him. Then thank and praise God for this unselfish free gift.

For those that have not: Accept this free gift before it is too late.