Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Has it really been that long???

It's been a long time since I've been here, hasn't it.  Don't know why it's been so long.  Think I can blame the short AK summer days?  I know, can't be too short since we have daylight almost round the clock during our summer.  The short summer season, better?  Not much going on this summer.  I guess today is going to be more of an update on what's been going on...

We are down to 1 1/2 horses and hope to sell them too (to those that didn't know, we were up to 8 horses--not including the foals that were born--and also had beef cows).  This will also be our last year of doing hay.  It was fun while it lasted but with selling off all of our critters....  We thought we'd continue on with the hay and sell it but with the last couple of summers... it's a race to beat the rain to get the hay cut, dried and baled that we're finding that we were putting more time into it than it's worth.  Now that we don't need much hay for ourselves we've decided to retire from the hay business.  It's too bad because we enjoyed it...yes even I had my turn at the tractor.  Believe it or not, it was actually relaxing & peaceful driving the tractor.  I had many "conversations" with my Lord during my turn at it.

I had some type of "bug" in July.  That was not fun!  Just before we had decided to go to Valdez to fish for salmon.  I had planned on not going but the whole trip was going to be canceled because Randy didn't want me home alone so I opt to go since I was feeling better.  Valdez is known for it's rain but God blessed us with beautiful weather; cool, clear and breezy but no rain!!!  Have to admit that once we got there and started fishing off the rocks, I felt refreshed and was able to enjoy the weekend.  Except for Andrew, the whole family went; including Kyle, his wife Connie and of course my Vaeh!!!  James (Randy's uncle) also came.  Yes, the girls came too.  It's been a long time since we've had a family vacation.  Needless to say we didn't catch much of anything.  Found out the commercial boats had just came through with their nets and was waiting to go through again (from what I understand, they have to wait and not able to do so except at certain times...I think....we saw them waiting patiently).  We were planning on tenting it, like we usually do; Kyle & Connie had rented a cabin, because of Nevaeh, and talked us into getting one too.  We got the last one available--Praise God! as I was not up to tenting it this time.  Even though there wasn't any fish, we all just enjoyed spending time together.  We did see some wildlife: sea lions, eagles and one bear.  It was a great weekend. Kyle & Connie stayed another day and they saw more bears the next day. 

A week or so later, the girls and I helped with VBT (Vacation Bible Time) at our church.  Amanda & I had baked cookies for it:  Chewy Brownies, Chocolate Chip and Oatmeal Scotchies.  Do I hear "YUMMY, I WANT SOME!!!"?  It was a joy to see how excited all the kids were during that week. Unfortunately, I became sick again the weekend after.  It started out as a cold, then the flu.  It took me a long time to get over that one.  Yesterday was the first day I actually didn't feel sick at all.  Today was another good day.

Randy made another trip to Valdez this pass weekend.  He wanted to take Christine again before she left to go back to college, since we didn't catch anything before.  Just he, Christine, Amanda & James went.  I still wasn't feeling up to par, but since I wasn't really sick and Amy isn't "into" fishing, we stayed home.  This time there wasn't going to be a cabin so he knew I would be miserable if I really got sick again.  Besides, Kyle, Connie & Andrew weren't going either so he knew I could get help if I needed to.  Anyways, they all caught their limit (pink salmon) this time!!!  They all enjoyed themselves.  They only brought back a cooler full but they were promised to someone; since we are planning on going again in a couple of weeks when the silvers are suppose to be running.  Not as good as reds and kings, but much, much, much better than pinks.  Reds are my favorites.

Oh yeah, a granny has got to brag a little about her granddaughter, right?  Nevaeh turned one in June but started walking when she was 9 months; has been coming over 2 days a week and whenever else....  I can't forget to tell you how she found a new friend, our colt that was born in May.  She loves him and I think it's mutual.  He comes up to her all the time.  When we are outside, as soon as I put her down she heads for the horses' "pen".  I have to keep a closer eye on her when were outside as she tried to climb in a couple of times.  She knows now that she's not allowed to "cross the road" without me or her aunties. He's bigger now so she's not too sure of him anymore.  She actually prefers "mom" now.  I think because the colt is now frisky and she's not too sure about that.

Except for just enjoying it, that's my summer "highlights".  I have plenty of notes on the book I'm reviewing but thought I'd tell about me this time.  Hope you don't mind but for those that don't really know me, I'd like to share my "everyday life" with you and just not what I've learned from God.

Hope y'all are enjoying your summer as I.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Watching, Waiting, Welcoming....

IT'S A BOY!!!  We've been anticipating this moment for quite some time.  I'm sure many didn't know we were expecting...a new baby horse that is.  Wouldn't you know it was due to be born when Randy was gone on his hunting trip with a good friend (Jeff Humphries); a trip that had been planned many weeks ago.  Midnight started to show definite signs two days after he left so it was time to keep round the clock watch on her.  I did the "day shift".  The girls split the rest of the hours so I can get some sleep.  Amanda did the "swing shift" (is that what the shift from 6-midnight is called?) and Amy had 2am--8am.  I had the longest shift, what's up with that?  but it was also the easiest after getting a full night's sleep.  Lack of sleep is not good for me--causes me to have "spells" as when I overdue it.  Well we missed the actually birth.  I so enjoy being able to watch the mircle of birth before (horses, cows, and my first grandbaby--the greatest mircle of all!) that I was disappointed to have missed this one.  He was born just before 4am.  Amy had just went outside to check on mom when the colt was almost all the way born, so she got to see the end of it.  She was able to help mom to break and remove the sac before she came to wake me up.  We were able to watch the colt take his first steps.

Some thoughts came to me:

Shouldn't that be what we should be doing of our Saviour's return, to anticipate it--to be watching and waiting for him to return.

What about when we are telling others about our dear Lord; watching and waiting for them to realize their need for Him for their Saviour and then welcoming them into the family of God; then to be a part of their first steps to learning more of him.

One last thought:  When we see a dear one straying away from God, we pray, watching and waiting for our prayers to be answered.  If we are blessed enough to be able to see that stray one to return, we welcome them back with open arms and help them to take those first steps back towards God.

It made me wonder that if I would just get pass the first step of watching and start to wait more....
Sometimes if when we are watching and don't see anything happening we stop waiting.  I wonder if because of that we never get to the end of being able to be the one to do the welcoming as well as being the one to help them take those first steps.

It makes me wonder if I would get pass the watching and waiting more....
What/how many blessings have I missed to not be the one to  "welcome" as well as to be the one to help with those "first steps".

It is something to think and pray about, isn't it.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Chapter 1 continued....

B.  A Heart Devoted to God

After choosing to have a changed heart, what does it actually mean to have a heart devoted to God?  In Luke 10:38-42 we can read about Mary and how Jesus praised her for having a heart devoted to him.

As you read this Bible passage, you will see two very different women when Jesus was received in their home.
  • Martha was busy with the "physical needs",  "But Martha was cumbered about much serving..."
I can just imagine her runing around picking things up, and putting them away, do a little cleaning, making excuses if things aren't up to par, etc.; making sure everyone had a drink to quench their thirst from their travels, then preparing something to eat.  Something we may do if we have an unexpected guest we want to impress.  Or even when friends stop by unexpectly and our homes isn't as clean as we would want it to be

  • Then there is Mary who "....sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word."
I'm sure with all the "running around" trying to meet the "physical needs" that Martha was starting to get stressful trying to get everything done for their unexpected guest that she started to complain to Jesus;
 "...Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone?  bid her that she help me."  Then Jesus responded, "Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath choosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her."

Before I go on with my "review", I'd like to share something about the last part of this verse that was "revealed" to me when I read it.

I need to be careful to not take away from someone their desire to know/learn more of God.  Yes, I can be a part of directing them in the right direction, especially if I see they are "going down the wrong path"--believing something that doesn't go/or isn't in God's Word but "sounds" like it could be something from God.  Though I must remember that if I choose to say anything to anyone that I may see "going down the wrong path" when they are searching to know/learn about God and his ways, I need to be able to prove/back it up with God's Word, the Bible.
I need to be careful with this "person" as I direct them as I can be discouraging them to stop if I'm not.  My purpose may be noble but it has to be done carefully--especially if it's someone that doesn't like to be told they are wrong or what/how to do something.  My words need to be put in a way that it will be encouraging them to keep seeking God instead of discouraging them to stop.  Hope this made sense to you.

Okay, where was I....

I'm sure Martha was excited to have Jesus in their home and to be able to have him at her dinner table.  Of course she wanted everything to be perfect.
Mary, too, was excited to have Jesus in their home but for a different reason.  She was able to hear God's Word from God himself and didn't want to miss a single word.

Are we so busy in our every day lives, doing our every day responsibilities, that we forget or just don't take the time with God; to read his Word and to pray.  Are we so busy that we don't take the time to stop, be still and "listen" what it is he wants us to know/learn.

I know I am guilty, many times, of not taking the time to do so.  How can anyone have a heart devoted to God if they don't spend time with him, to continue to get to know him, to learn about the things he wants us to know.

When we meet again, I'll mention some things on how we can follow Mary's example of her choice to spend precious time with God.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Do What You Can

I just want to say, so you may understand where I am going with this (or is the phrase "coming from" better?); whenever I go to church (I may have said this before), I go with a heart, expecting God to show me what it is he wants me to hear/learn.  Many times it is something not even being preached about but there is that "one thing" that shows me so much of what I need to know/learn.

We had a wonderful message given by Bro. Ryan Gray Wednesday night.  To put it all in a nutshell, if God put something on our hearts to do for Him then what's keeping us from doing it.  It will be put on our church's website soon so you may listen to it yourself.  He took us to Nehemiah and compared the building of the walls--what the people had to put up with--to what may be stopping us today to not do what it is God places on our hearts to do.  (The book of Nehemiah was an encouragement to me during another discouraging "phase" in my life a few years ago).  Bro. Gray was basically preaching on that if God puts something on our hearts that he wants us to do for him--gives us a desire to do something--then we shouldn't hesitate to do it.  One of the things that he pointed out that can cause a person to not do it is because of distractions--we may have let these distractions interfere, take focus, instead of staying focus on doing what it is that God had placed on our heart to do.  God may have blessed us with many things but it's what or how we use these things, whether or not they become distractions--take away from doing what God wants us to do.

As long as I can remember, since I was a teenager, I had always been involved with church--wherever there was a need, I was there doing it.  If you had read my testimony, God still used me even though I wasn't saved, as well as taught me so much.  He finally had to get my attention through my health--where I HAD to stop.  To keep from going on and on and on and..... As I think I said in my testimony, I had wanted to get involved with church ministries again but it was not to be.  At first I came to see it was because I wasn't saved like I thought I was.  Then it seemed like whenever I wanted to do something, the "door was shut"--it just didn't work out.  Mostly it was because I was trying to do too much and then I'd have a relaspe; then I'd cry out, "Why can't I!  Why can't I do the same things as before?"  It got me thinking, why, why, why??? My desire is to serve God.  Why wasn't things working?  After hearing the message the thought came "Do what you can.  Do your best at what you are responsible for NOW, without being distracted with worrying about what you want to do elsewhere; then just sit and be still.  Do what you can."

When I came home I thought, yeah, the things that I do do are just as important as what others do elsewhere.  I need to be content at where I am and do what God had already given me to do.  As I said before, if we are so "in tuned" with God, the desires we have on our heart are his desires.   When He feels I am ready to do something else, he will put that desire on my heart; and if I am "in tuned" with God, I will know that it is from him.  This may not be what the message was exactly about but it was what God had showed me.

It made me wonder, when did I stop being content?  I mean, I'm content at where I am as far as my home and needs being met but I wasn't being content at what I was already suppose to be doing.  I am to do what it is I need to do now, what I have already been given to do, and that will help me to be a Woman After God's Own Heart. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Where did the time go?

It seems with spring comes the busyness--cleaning after the  long winter.  Although when winter nears it gets busy too--getting things ready for the long winter.  At least we have the summer to enjoy and to rest?  The only problem is, our summers are so short that we're all busy trying to enjoy every minute of it.

My baby (youngest) turned 18 last week!  I still can't believe how fast the time goes by and that Amy is actually the last to "officially" be called an adult.  She'll always be my baby though (she cringes every time I say that).  It's hard to believe, at times, that all my children are considered grown up now.  I am so proud of how they have/are all "turning out".  Only by the grace of God.

Just when the days seem to take so long to pass; I then realize that time has flown on by.  Makes me realize that each day I wake up is a gift from God and makes me think, what am I going to do for him to thank him for giving me another day.

It's been awhile since I've been back on my blog.  It's been busy (more so for me as I have to take things easy).  I also had a relaspe (seizure) two weeks ago.  We still can't figure out what brought that on as I've been taking it one day at a time.  I did have to finish the kids taxes so maybe the pressure of that???  Who knows.  I just praise God I was home and I felt this one coming on (the few I had, I hadn't always) and was able to go lay down before it actually "hit".  It was one of those that I was "aware what was going on" during it and the girls were home too.  One of them called Randy and he came home.  What a sweetheart he is (I hadn't planned on him coming home as it wasn't a "bad one"--the girls just wanted him to be aware of it).

Sorry for not getting back to blogging of the Book Review/Bible Study.  I hope to be able to blog something by the end of the week or beginning of next.  Please be patient with me.

Friday, April 2, 2010

A Time of Remembrance

I hope all has taken this whole week to remember (as I have) what Jesus had done for us on the cross:  shed his blood for our sins & died; buried for 3 days & nights; then rose from the dead and is now living again!
Around most of the world today, many are abserving (Good Friday) the death and resurrection of Christ. I know that no one knows the exact time of year that this happened, but I hope everyone realize that it is impossible for Christ to have died on a Friday and rose again on a Sunday because it says in the Bible that He was buried for 3 days and 3 nights.  I can never understand why it's called Good Friday (the day to remember when he died) and that on Sunday remember that he rose again.  I think it's wrong to observe Good Friday because it confuses many as they come to believe that this is the "time frame" that it all happened.

You know, I think it's great that many are taking this time to remember Christ's death and resurection but I think it's a shame that many does not take the time to remember what he did EVERY DAY. I know, that I include myself in this "group". I mean, I do live for God and try to do what he would have/want me to do each day; but to actually take the time to know/remember what he did for my sins and everyone else's sins too..... I think if we all did remember this every day that maybe there would be more of us that would be concerned for others; to go out and witness more so others would come to realize the love of God and the need for Christ as their Saviour.

If you haven't done so already this week; to those that have accepted Christ as their Saviour as I have:

Take the time to remember how God loved us so much and gave his ONLY begotten Son to die on the Christ for our sins. And to realize how no one deserves this free gift but God loved all of us so much and did not/does not want any to perish in hell but to live eternally with him in heaven. Because He cannot face sin he gave a way for us to have our sins forgiven that we may have life eternal in heaven with him. Then thank and praise God for this unselfish free gift.

For those that have not: Accept this free gift before it is too late.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Part I The Pursuit of God

I apologize for taking so long in getting back to blogging.  Spring is in the air and along comes Spring Cleaning!  I started last month but since I have to take it easy, it takes longer than usual.  Needless to say I should be done soon so now am taking some time to get back.

"A Woman After God's Own Heart" is divided up into 3 Parts.  Some of the chapters are lengthly and divided into subparts so may take more than one day for me to write down my "review" for each chapter.  Please bear with me and I hope you will be blessed as you read this as I have been blessed (again) from reading this book (again).

Chapter 1:  A Heart Devoted to God
"But one thing is needful:
and Mary hath chosen that good part,
which shall not be taken away from her."
~Luke 10:42

A.  A Change of Heart

In I Cor. 5:7 it says "For we walk by faith not by sight"
How much easier is it to trust what we see instead of what we don't see; it IS much harder to trust what we don't see.  That's why we need to adjust our perspective to match God's view of life; which includes the past, present and future.  We need to keep in mind that God knows all things and have the faith to trust that he wants what is best for us.
We should live every day to count now and for eternity; choose to live every day for God; our sole desire.
  • Love Him
  • Worship Him
  • Walk with Him
  • Serve Him
  • Look forward to being with Him in eternity
Psalm 37:4 says "Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart."
If our perspective matches God's view of life than our desires will be what God would have us to desire.
  • What am I doing to become a woman He wants me to be
  • Give God ALL of my heart and devotion
  • Make Him #1 in all things--the highest priority
No matter how little we think our tasks/responsibilities we do/have in our daily life, it ALL counts if we face it with our heart devoted to God.
I've learned that it's a choice whether I do so or not.  It's a choice NOT to make my choices by what has happened or is happening in my life but by what God wants in my life.
It's MY choice whether or not I'm going to see things from God's perspective and have the faith that he knows what is best for me--no matter what it is. 

Thursday, March 25, 2010

First Steps

My granddaughter (Nevaeh) took her first steps not to long ago.  She is still unsure of herself so she'll take a few steps, gets unsure then "falls" back down.  She had also come to find (since she doesn't have the confidence yet) that it's faster and easier to just give up and go back to crawling.

Isn't that true with our Christian Walk at times?  We've accepted Christ as our Saviour.  Now we want to learn everything we can as fast as we can but if we aren't careful we can fall because we're unsure (don't have the confidence/understanding) and can end up giving up.  And if we aren't careful to really learn what God wants us to, to grasp it, we can go back to the "old" because it's so much easier.

We ALL need to take the time to learn by taking each step at a time.  It doesn't matter how long a person's been saved, they still need to take one step at a time and be careful as Satan is still out there to put a "blindfold" on anyone so he can trick us into not learning anything that will draw us closer to God in our Chrstian Walk; or to "pick up" something again that we had "let go" or even to not "let go" something that we need to get rid of or even haven't gotten taken care of in our sinful lives.  It doesn't matter how long a person's been saved or how much a person knows about God, there is still much more to learn about God and his ways if one has the desires to do so.

Many times when some first gets saved, they think they are "safe" from everything; how UNTRUE that is.  Just because a person has accepted Christ as their Saviour doesn't mean they are "protected" to not fall.  God gave each and every one of us a free will and that means we have choices we have to make all the time.  Whether or not that will be good or bad choices is up to us.  That's why it is so important to be in his Word daily as well as pray daily.  Many times, too, a person may think that since they've been saved so many years and knows many things, is able to answer many questions that they don't have to be in God's Word as much or to pray as much but that is SO wrong.  There are still many things we ALL don't know no matter how much we may think we already know.   As we go to His Word, we should go with expecting God to show us something and he will.  The same thing we should do when we go to church.  The message that is preached may have nothing to do what is going on in your life but if we go with a heart that EXPECTS something from God, I guarantee that He WILL give/show you something.  I know this because He's done it EVERY TIME for me and I know He will for others too.

Don't let pride get in the way of preventing you to get back up again after falling.  We have a merciful God who is waiting with open arms to continue to teach/show everyone what it is he wants us to learn/know.

I think I've said it before; remember that the day that a person accepts Christ as their personal Saviour is the first step for each of us to be a person after God's own heart.

I know I've said I would tell my thoughts of what I've learned from the first chapter but after praying and asking God to lead me in what I should say, I felt lead to say this instead.

Friday, March 19, 2010

You're invited to take a trip

I'm sorry I haven't been diligent in posting my "review" as when I said I would but I've had a couple of "bad days" and not feeling well on top of that.  For those that are reading my blog, I hope that you will understand and be patient with me.

While reading (a fiction book, no less!) I came across a verse: 
"And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart." ~Jeremiah 29:13

I got to thinking that before anyone can be a person after God's own heart that they must find him and see their need for him as their personal Saviour for themselves FIRST.
I mean how can anyone be a woman (person) after God's own heart if we don't KNOW him; meaning, have come to the point that we realize we are sinners and believe what he did for us on the cross, then to accept him as our Saviour so that we may have life eternal with him in heaven.  I don't mean to just know it in our heads but to believe in our hearts of the need of him and accept it.
I came to the conclusion that before I can actually start telling y'all about what I have learned/my "review", that first I should take you on a "trip" down the Roman's Road (there may be some "detours" but basically it all leads to the same "destination").  If you haven't been "down this road" and "finish the trip" completely, I pray that you realize your need to do so.  Since I am making this simple, if you have any questions, please email me personally and I will answer.

"As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one. ~Romans 3:10
....there is none that doeth good, no not one. ~Romans 3:12b
None of us is "good".  Not a single one of us.
"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" ~Romans 3:23
ALL-That's every single one of us that has been born into this world.
"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."~Romans 5:5
He gave us a way "out".  Please contine on and I'll tell you more.

"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." ~Romans 6:23
Wages = death (being separated from God forever) in hell  Accepting God's gift = eternal life in heaven

"For God so loved the world, that he GAVE his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him (Jesus) should not perish but have everlasting life."~John 3:16
"But God commendeth (proved) his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." ~Romans 5:8
To show how he loves us; he first gave, then died.

To have God's gift is to just accept his Son as our Saviour.
"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock:  if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." ~Revelation 3:20
"And this is the record that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.  He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hat not life." ~I John 5:11-12

It's easy to accept his gift of eternal life so you won't have to pay if you don't.
"That if thou shalt CONFESS with thy MOUTH the Lord Jesus, and shalt BELIEVE in thine HEART that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.  For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."
"For whosover shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." ~Romans 10:9, 10, 13

Each and every one of us need to do this in order to receive his gift of eternal life.  If you haven't already and this is what you want to do, you may say a prayer something like this:
Dear Lord, I confess that I am a guilty sinner and that I need to be saved.  I believe that Jesus died on the cross to pay my sin debt.  Please forgive my sins, come into my heart, and save my soul.

Just remember that it's NOT the words that save you.  It's the confession AND the believing that does.  If you JUST SAY the words (without truly confessing and believing), just thinking that you'll be "safe" now, then you aren't/will not be saved.
Also, you CAN'T say this "prayer" for any one else, whether living or dead.  EACH and EVERY person need to do this for themselves.
"He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him." ~John 3:36

The wonderful thing is that once you've accept His free gift is that you NEVER have to do it again, IF you truly confessed and believe.
"These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God." ~I John 5:13

I do have a passion for all to know Christ as their Personal Saviour so if I seem to come across "strong" then it's because I want every one to know their need for Him because I know what is in store for them if they don't and I don't want any one to have to go through that (in hell) for eternity.  
My prayer is that whoever reads this, that haven't already, will realize their need for Christ.

By the way, I'm usually not on the computer on the weekends so I probably won't be adding to my blog again until next week.  Besides, it'll give you a chance to think and ponder about whether or not you are truly saved.  Don't make the same mistake I did; thinking I was already saved.  I was trusting in someone else's word that I was when I wasn't.  It still bring tears to my eyes to think that if I never, FINALLY, admitted that I wasn't saved and was trusting someone's else's word instead of trusting Christ as my Saviour MYSELF (you can read my testimony if you haven't already).  Don't wait until it's too late as I could have.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Outer Beauty/Inner Beauty

I went to get my nails done yesterday (acrylic fill-ins).  As I was getting them done, I got to thinking; yikes I can think?!  LOL  I had two thoughts about the Christian's Walk:

Those of you who don't know about acrylic nails, basically fill-ins are what they "say"; as the nails grow, the grown out natural nails needs to have the acrylic filled in.

1) As we GROW in our Christian Walk, it's as if our eyes are open to more and more things.  Once we were blind and now we see that there are things that we shouldn't have in our lives; ex. movies, music, books, etc.  As we get rid of these things, we ought to replace
(fill in) it with godly things, ex. replace the "worldly" music with godly music.  If we do replace these "worldly" things with godly things, it is so much easier not to have the "worldly" things enter back into our life once again--it's easier to not let it or permit it to.

After the fill-ins I got them painted (french tip manicure).  If I want to continue to have my nails look nice I have to be deligent to go back to have the fill-ins done.  It is recommended to go every 2 weeks.  Why can I "get away" for not going that often?  Because I "know how" to keep them looking nice myself because I've learned how to do nails years ago when I was in Cosmotology school but I still can't do them "completely on my own" to make them looking good so I still need to go in to get them done.

2)  As in the Christian Walk, we want to be able to stay close to God, get closer, learn more, etc. (as I want my nails to stay nice).  As we grow we realize our need to go to church to hear his Word being taught so we can learn what God wants to teach us.  We don't go often (just Sundays & Wednesdays); so how do we stay on the right "road" of the Christian walk since we don't go to church often? By reading the Bible and praying daily (which also draw us closer to God).

Again, remember that even though we have the "know how" that we must be deligent in reading the Bible and praying daily OURSELVES in order to help stay in our walk (comparing to my nails staying nice) we also need to be deligent in going to church (an Independant Fundamental Baptist Church, KJV Bible).

I hope I said this for you to understand what I "saw" when I was getting my nails done.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

So much to grasp...

I have decide to post my "review" comments of  "A Woman After God's Own Heart" by chapter as there is so much to grasp that I had remembered that it wouldn't do the book justice if I just did one simple review of the book as a whole.  As I reread this book I am learning something I didn't "see" the first time I've read it.  Isn't it so true with reading and searching the Bible?  I can read the same thing over and over again and yet if I go expecting God to show/reveal what He wants to teach me, He is always faithful to do so.
I also want to make sure that the comments I post of what I've learned is what God would have me to share; that it won't be something I just say is true but because it's what God says is true.  Because of that, it'll probably take me 2-3 days or more for each chapter before posting my thoughs and comments.
I should have the first chapter tomorrow or Friday.  Whatever I say, I'd encourage you to still search His Word for yourself and see what God says and not just to take my word on what I've learned. 

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Woman After God's own Heart

I read this book (by Elizabeth George) recently and am now reviewing it and thought I'd put my thoughts on my blog.  There are chapters on how as a woman, wife, or mother, can pursue God's priorities with our husbands, children, in our home, in our walk with God and in our ministry.  We can find a life as a woman after God's own heart.

"A Word of Welcome"

In the Bible, I Samuel 13:14 it says about David "the LORD hath sought him a man after his own heart".  It's amazing that with all of David's "mistakes" and wrong doings that God still considered David as a man after his own heart.  It just goes to show that we don't have to be "perfect" to be a person after God's heart. After all, David had a husband killed so he could have his wife for his own.  He wasn't the greatest parent.  He didn't always consult God before taking action (how many of us are guilty of this?  I know I am).  Now if  "the LORD hath sought him a man after his own heart" like a man like David with all of his "mistakes"--it's obvious he wasn't perfect--who's to say that we can't try our best to be a woman after God's own heart.

For to do so is something we cannot do without desiring (wanting) to or without God's help.  Some of these chapters do refer to being a wife and mother but I do believe that they still can help a woman that isn't married or have children that do desire to be a woman after God's own heart.

I hope you will join me as I tell you about my journey on learning about what I learned how I can be a woman after God's own heart.  As I review this book I will just be writing down my own thoughts, comments and what I had learned.  Don't take my word on what I say but to find it for yourself what God says in his Word.

Again, don't hesitate to let me know what you think if you have any comments of your own.

Friday, March 5, 2010

A friend once said:
"Friendship is like a rose, you have to go through some thorns to get to the beauty of it".

How true that is; especially with "close friends".  You know the ones:
The ones you can call any time--no matter the time--and they'll be ready to listen or help any way they are able.
The ones you can disagree with, with tiny or great things and their opinion won't change on the friendship between the two of you.
The ones you can tell about your beliefs and it won't change the friendship either.
The ones you can talk to about your hurts and they'll sit and listen.
The ones that can talk about when you see one or the other doing something to make them "fall" and even though it's not wanted to be heard or like what is heard we'll still listen and take heed to the "warning" or reproof.
The ones that you can make mistakes with, whether it's done in words or actions, they'll love you the same.
Through it all, the mistakes can actually make the friendship stronger instead of no longer--IF it's true friendship, there's no pride in us over hurts or mistakes to the others or if we accept that they or us aren't perfect.
I'm sure that you can think of many other/more things that could be said about the relationship of close/true friends.

As I made this short list on friends, I can't help but think of my own relationship with my dear Lord as this short list "applies" with it as well as:  How I may have to "go through some thorns to get to the beauty of it" and it just makes me stronger, grow more, learn more as well as make my relationship with Him even sweeter.

As we go from "Peak to Peak" as a recent guest speaker (Bro. Chris Chaney from Lighthouse Baptist Church in San Diego, CA) preached; it's when you go through those valleys to get to the next peak that makes a christian stronger and closer to the Lord" [paraphrasing what I've already "heard and learned" but the reminder to hear again is always a great encouragement that we should be blessed to have to go through the valleys].  Also he pointed out that as we go through the valley it may also be a time to help someone else going through the same "valley" and it ends up helping the two that is going through it together.

I remember the long ago best friend that said this (comparing friendship with the rose) how when she told me she was going through "?" just to find out, I was going through the same thing.  How much easier it was to get through it when there was someone else going through the same thing and it had just made our friendship stronger.  Too bad through the years, after we got separated because of our lives going in different directions, that it wouldn't be remembered that even though new (and much different) "thorns" came up that the beauty couldn't/wouldn't be remembered that was had in the past was still there.

Isn't it wonderful that God never does or will turn away no matter how often we may make mistakes, stray or want to turn away during the hard times.  He is always faithful.

It was a wonderful message.  It's posted on our church's website if you'd like to hear it for yourself.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My Testimony

I'll try not to make this too long but some know that once I get on a roll I can go on and on and on and....
As far back as I can remember I was sent to church via the church's bus.  When I was in the 6th grade, I went forward during invitation at the end of the preaching to get saved (wanting Christ as my Personal Saviour).  I was told by a sweet lady that I had already done so with my older sister when I was younger and did not need to do so again (which I had no memory of doing so).  When I was in the 9th grade, I had the need to go forward again but the same person reassured me that I had already done so and that maybe I just needed to be baptized so I did so.  After that I became involved with the bus ministry, nursery, helping out with the toddlers and teaching Junior Church.  I enjoyed all very much as I loved "working" with children.

I graduated from high school in 1983 and shortly afterwards from Cosmetology school (I was attending while in high school).  Exactly one year after I graduated Randy & I got married (yep, that's exactly one year as I got married on the same day I graduated...what are the odds of that!).  Randy was in the Air Force and was stationed at Homestead Air Force Base in Florida.  We attended South Dade Baptist Church (I think that was the name of the church, it was so long ago...Belinda if you're reading this, you can correct me if I'm wrong).  We weren't real faithful at attending church as before we married; it was hard to go from a small church to such a big one (maybe preparing us for the church we are attending now???)  Randy then got transfered to Eielson Air Force Base in Alaska.

Since I worked at the Beauty Shop on base in Florida, I again got a job at the Beauty Shop on Eielson AFB.  God started to bless us with children (five in all from 1985-1992--yes "stair step kids"--I think that's how the saying goes).  We visited churches when we first got to Alaska but still was not happy...I think our problem was that we kept comparing them to church "back home".  At that time we didn't realize that all churches are not the same and should be looking at the church's beliefs and the truths that they are preaching (from KJV of course and a Fundamental Independent Church).  By this time we had Andrew and Christine was born; found out that Randy's mom was coming up just after Christine was born.  We knew then that we HAD to find a church.  One of my "regulars" at the Beauty Shop had been telling us about North Pole Bible Baptist Church and had been trying to get us to visit.  That is how we "found" the church we decided to make "our church home".  We were living in Salcha then (about 25 miles from Eielson AFB and 30-35miles away from church) so it was convenient that it was closer than the church we attend now.  Shortly afterwards, I was expecting Kyle so made the decision that it was time for me to stay home; then Amanda & Amy came 

By the way, we did join North Pole Bible Baptist Church (sad to say they are no more).  I became involved with teaching children as well as helping out with the nursery, during our time there, we both learned much.  We also became involved with the AWANA ministry (we actually had the "privilege" to take it completely in our hands the last couple of years we attended church there--Randy the commander and I the secretary as well as being leaders for some of the classes) and I helped with the Ladies Ministries.  Like I said, I learned much and served God, being involved in anything that was needed to be done (I believe that is why God gave me--yes gave me--my health problems as I was doing too much and He had to get my attention to stop and this was the only way to get my attention cause now that I do too much I have a relaspe).

I have to mention that during this time at NPBBC  I had my doubts of my salvation come up many times but every time it did I'd remember what this sweet lady had told me.  Besides, now I had learned so much, was serving God, knew answers, witnessing to others and even leading some to accept Christ as their Saviour themselves.  I was teaching others about things of God--both children and Ladies.  I knew the "walk and talk", I looked like a Christian so I must be saved!  Was I ever wrong!!!

Things started happening at NPBBC and Randy felt it was time for us to leave and go elsewhere (we had the blessing and understanding of the pastor and his wife to do so when we talked to them about it).  I can't tell you how my heart was broken and how much I cried.  The Pastor and his family was family (and still are) and one of our dearest friends (especially Liana to me).  God lead us to Bible Baptist Church in Fairbanks--such a large church compared to NPBBC.  I had to stop myself, as before long ago, to stop comparing churches.  Many times I had to remember why I go to church--for God to reveal/teach me what He wanted me to learn.  At the beginning, I tried to "jump in" and get involved in things and guess what, I had a relaspe (a bad seizure).  I don't know how she heard but Liana (they had moved to Arkansas) called and gave me a lecture of "doing it again" and I needed to stop.

Today I can't praise God enough for bringing us to BBC.  I may not be involved in anything as I was at NPBBC but there are five GREAT things that happened.  I thought that all of my kids were saved.  We homeschool and I thought that they had but Andrew Kyle, Amanda & Amy came to face that they weren't and accepted Christ as their Saviour.  Yes, that's four, what's the fifth one?

In August of 2006, Pastor Duffet (our pastor) brought a message using the parable of the tares and wheat in Matthew 13 and compared it to those in the church:  People may look like they are saved, act like they are, talk like they are (speaking of the tares--know the walk and talk the talk) among people that actually are (the wheat).  It was a powerful message.  I realized then that I was depending on what this sweet lady told me for my salvation instead of trusting Christ as my Saviour for MYSELF!  It makes me wonder if that's why I was involved in so many things in our previous church.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed doing so, learned so much and taught others.  I still can't believe that God still taught me so much and used me to help others even though I wasn't saved myself!  But that Sunday I realized that I wasn't saved!  Ephesians 2:8-9  "came to life"~ "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: NOT of works, let any man should boast."  I turned towards Randy and told him that I needed to be saved and he went with me.  The couple that took us to the Eagles Wing; I had helped with her in VBT (Vacation Bible Time in the summer and she was with me when I lead girls to be saved), she said you know all the answers and know what to do... I prayed and told God I wanted to accept him as my Personal Saviour for MYSELF and NOT depend on someone else's word that I had already done so.  Now when Pastor asks during invitation if we knew we were 100% sure we are saved, I can say YES, YES, YES!

Monday, March 1, 2010

A short intro

The reason for starting this blog? My desire is to be an encouragement to other ladies. I am hoping that I can do it through this. At the previous church we attended, I'd put together a monthly "newsletter" of sorts for the ladies. I have been told that it was an encouragement to them. I had thought of seeing about doing something like that at the church we attend now but it is so much larger than before, that I thought it would be overwhelming to do so.  I've prayed about it for many, many months on what I could "do" as far as a ministry and God put this on my heart--to blog. That way I can just let the ladies I know know about it and that maybe, by word of mouth, those that are interested can just read my blog. Also that way, if whoever isn't interested, they don't have to read it or if they are interested then are free to do so. This way it won't be a waste of time, paper, etc. for anyone. It would be easier on me too--not so stressful or overwhelming--since I need to be careful because of my health.
This is the first time I've done a blog and as you can see, I am still getting this set up. I don't even have a picture of me on yet! My daughter in law says I need to update my picture on my facebook page too but I haven't done that either. I will post post more of myself soon.
As time goes on, I'd appreciate all comments, insights, etc. My goal is to be an encouragement and I want this to bring all glory to God too.

Connie Lynn
(I'm using my middle name, mainly because my daughter in law's name is Connie Wilson too)