Friday, March 12, 2010

Outer Beauty/Inner Beauty

I went to get my nails done yesterday (acrylic fill-ins).  As I was getting them done, I got to thinking; yikes I can think?!  LOL  I had two thoughts about the Christian's Walk:

Those of you who don't know about acrylic nails, basically fill-ins are what they "say"; as the nails grow, the grown out natural nails needs to have the acrylic filled in.

1) As we GROW in our Christian Walk, it's as if our eyes are open to more and more things.  Once we were blind and now we see that there are things that we shouldn't have in our lives; ex. movies, music, books, etc.  As we get rid of these things, we ought to replace
(fill in) it with godly things, ex. replace the "worldly" music with godly music.  If we do replace these "worldly" things with godly things, it is so much easier not to have the "worldly" things enter back into our life once again--it's easier to not let it or permit it to.

After the fill-ins I got them painted (french tip manicure).  If I want to continue to have my nails look nice I have to be deligent to go back to have the fill-ins done.  It is recommended to go every 2 weeks.  Why can I "get away" for not going that often?  Because I "know how" to keep them looking nice myself because I've learned how to do nails years ago when I was in Cosmotology school but I still can't do them "completely on my own" to make them looking good so I still need to go in to get them done.

2)  As in the Christian Walk, we want to be able to stay close to God, get closer, learn more, etc. (as I want my nails to stay nice).  As we grow we realize our need to go to church to hear his Word being taught so we can learn what God wants to teach us.  We don't go often (just Sundays & Wednesdays); so how do we stay on the right "road" of the Christian walk since we don't go to church often? By reading the Bible and praying daily (which also draw us closer to God).

Again, remember that even though we have the "know how" that we must be deligent in reading the Bible and praying daily OURSELVES in order to help stay in our walk (comparing to my nails staying nice) we also need to be deligent in going to church (an Independant Fundamental Baptist Church, KJV Bible).

I hope I said this for you to understand what I "saw" when I was getting my nails done.

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